Environmental Policy

1. Policy Statement

1.1 Zype TV Ltd and all its subsidiaries are committed to minimising the impact of our business operations on the Environment. The goal is to promote sustainability and environmental awareness at all levels of the company.

2. Strategy

2.1 We will commit to our Policy Statement by;

  • Complying with all applicable environmental legislation and sustainability commitments;
  • Preventing pollution and reducing consumption of resources through waste management strategies that promote waste minimisation re-use, recovery and recycling, for example extending the life of equipment through preventive maintenance scheduling, purchasing and reworking used equipment, etc.
  • Incorporating energy efficiency measures into the group’s facilities and promoting efficient energy use in all areas of business activity;
  • Promoting and continuing to invest in technologies (such as video) that provide alternatives to business travel in our day to day operations, for example meetings or training virtually;
  • As far as possible, purchase products and services that do the least damage to the environment;
  • Promote environmental awareness among our employees and encourage them to work in an environmentally responsible manner;
  • Pursuing a programme of continuous improvement by reviewing our Environmental Management System and related objectives and targets, policies and practices;
  • Ensuring we dispose of any unwanted electrical equipment ethically by recycling or donating to a charitable cause
  • Communicating our environmental goals and progress through the monthly company webinar.

3. What we have done

3.1 Within our strive to meet our strategy we have;

  • completed an office refurbishment with an organisation called Amos Beech who are committed to reforesting a Glen in the Scottish Highlands in partnership with Trees for Life. For every fit-out project they complete, they will plant enough trees to match the actual floor area they have refurbished. The forest has just grown by the size of CitNOW’s office. 3500 sq. ft. of trees will be carefully planted in protected sites in the Scottish Highlands where they will create homes for wildlife and forests for the future.
  • signed up to the UK Government’s Cycle2Work scheme, so our employees can now both save money and spread the cost of purchasing a new bicycle and safety equipment. This is aimed at encouraging both the health and environmental benefits of cycling to work.
  • became a certified Cycling Friendly employer in 2022
  • we now offer an electric car scheme to encourage employees to lease electric vehicles

Reviewed: January 2022
To be reviewed: January 2025

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Eight Technology Ltd
Turing Building, Babbage Way, Exeter Science Park, EX5 2FN, United Kingdom.